
Thursday, August 7, 2008

thirsty for church???

There's nothing like a churchly-drought to make you appreciate church.

Thirteen weeks teaching Sunday School during the longest term of the year - thirteen long, hard, enthralling weeks - left me feeling dry, parched, dehydrated, and thirsty to hear God's word preached.

You can listen to Bible talks on iPod, you can read Christian books, you can browse encouraging blogs, but there's nothing like meeting with other Christians!

I know, I know, it doesn't always feel like that. Often it feels boring, repetitive, difficult. Often you sit there fiddling with your hair, bemoaning the stain on your pants, and wondering why the person in front of you chose that hairstyle. Often - especially if you're a mum - a crying baby scatters your attention, or your hormone-fuddled brain keeps skittering off topic.

Often familiarity makes me forget what an amazing thing it is to sit there, week after week, surrounded by God's people receiving God's word.

Here's the profound conclusion of this dehydrated desert-wanderer: church is good. It's good to meet with God's people. It's good to encourage each other in song. It's good to pray together. It's good to hear God's word faithfully taught.

Next time you're in church, why not take a moment to appreciate the miracle.

n.b. "church" in the bible isn't a building, it's people. God's people meeting together to encourage each other. In case you were wondering.

BTW your minister is doing a hard job with little thanks. Give him some noddies.


  1. My youngest just turned 3 so now qualifies for Sunday School. I'm really enjoying sitting through the whole service and being able to concentrate on the sermon. It's also nice to be able to sit next to my husband when he's not on Sunday School or Powerpoint!


  2. Hi Jean... I am so thirsty for church. It's one of the most difficult things about being here in Vanuatu that church is not in my native language. This means I have to concentrate so hard in order to listen and understand... not easy with young children, especially a one-year-old. And we have no creche here... so now that Matthew is not sleeping during church I rarely sit through much. If it were in English, I could pick up bits and pieces while I'm outside... but it's not. As you say, sermons on the ipod only provide part of what we miss by not being in church. I really look forward to being in Australia over Christmas just to be able to be in churches in English and with help for children.

  3. Thankyou, Rachael, for reminding us what a wonderful blessing we have to be able to go to church easily. I pray God blesses you through your church, and you are encouraged even though it's in another language.


I'd love to hear from you. All I ask is that you be kind and loving in what you say.