
Friday, October 17, 2008

Sunday School - Proverbs (3) wisdom and folly

Our little Sunday School class is mostly made up of boys.

I didn't think that primary school aged boys would be particularly attracted by the picture of Wisdom as a strong and beautiful woman pointing the way to the path of peace (Prov. 3:13-18). More motivating, I suspected, would be the image of Folly as the grisly guardian of death, whose guests descend to the depths of the grave.So I dressed one child in skeleton pyjamas and one in a white dress for a mini-drama, and they read the parts of Wisdom and Folly in Proverbs 9.

Our craft was simple but fun: a black A4 sheet with a picture of a skeleton and a princess (don't you love those free online colouring pages?) inviting guests to feast on the food they'd provided. The children drew their favourite foods in the wisdom box, and revolting foods in the skeleton box.

My daughter Lizzy's favourite foods included chocolate and icecream (she's got a sweet tooth) and her disgusting foods included witchety grub muffins and a bowl of eyeballs:
The children painted the skeleton, and highlighted the princess, with glow-in-the-dark fabric paint:
So now they can scare themselves silly every night, and be reminded of the doom awaiting those who live foolishly, and the long life rewarding those who walk in the ways of wisdom.

I'm finding this very motivating myself!

And we're learning a new memory verse together: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline" (Proverbs 1:7). Sums it up pretty well, I think.


  1. I love to see what kids can do with my free coloring pages! Keep up the good work, I'm glad you like it!
    Frank De Kleine,

  2. I'm not sure how eating chocolate ice cream is living wisely?

  3. It's not! (Although it can be if done in moderation and with thanksgiving to God, but that's a separate issue.) It's just a visual illustration of the "feast" offered by wisdom in Proverbs 9. :)


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