
Thursday, March 19, 2009

giant slayers and storm stillers

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but The Jesus Storybook Bible really is a fantastic Bible for kids. The writing is superb, the pictures wonderful, and every story points kids towards Jesus, who fulfills every bit of God's grand plan of salvation.

I read the story of David and Goliath to 5 year old Thomas last night, and we were both captivated.

We held our combined breaths as we read "His beady, greedy eyes glowered at them hungrily from under his horrible helmet ... And he laughed his terrible laugh." We trembled at the picture of Goliath towering toothily over little David, then lying like a fallen mountain on the ground.

By the end of the story, Thomas had a new childhood hero: David, who was strong and courageous because he trusted in God.

We closed the book, and his eyes fell on the picture on the cover of Jesus asleep in a boat during a storm. "What's happening in that picture, Mummy?", he asked me. "That's the story where Jesus was sleeping in the boat, and there was a terrible storm. Do you remember?"

Thomas responded, "Oh, that's right. And then Jesus stood up and said something REALLY WEIRD!"

Okay, so maybe I need to go and read that story with him again. But it's good to see Thomas becoming captivated by the gripping, wonderful, Jesus-glorifying stories of the Bible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jean!

    I'm the author of The Jesus Storybook Bible and I came across your blog via a google alert thing and so I thought I'd stop by and say Hi.

    And also thank you for your lovely review--I'm so glad you and Thomas are enjoying the book. It's God's Wonderful Story--and i'm so honored to have a small part in retelling it for little (and not so little) ones!

    It's always so cool to hear how parents and children are using the book.

    Anyway, my best to you all


    PS you and Thomas may be interested to know about some cool resources on my site connected with the book, including audio of me reading the stories, downloadable stories, interviews and reviews--as well as other new children's books.


I'd love to hear from you. All I ask is that you be kind and loving in what you say.