
Friday, April 24, 2009

out of the mouths of babes

I was cooking dinner earlier this week, and listening to a song from The Cross-Centred Life. Andrew (2) asked me what the song was about, and I told him it was about Jesus. He said something which astonished me:

We can't see Jesus, Mamma.
But later we will, Mamma.

How do little children know these things? I'm sure I haven't told him this! There's more going on in those little heads than we realise. Just shows it's worth teaching even tiny tots about Jesus.

Out of the mouths of babes.


  1. I know what you mean. They can leave you flabbergasted sometimes, can't they?

    My second son, now twelve, blew me away when he was about three. I was reading Psalm 8 aloud to his older brother when he shouted in excitement "That's Jesus!" Good grief, a lot of grownups wouldn't get that!

    This is the same boy who, after we had read through Mark's gospel, would say "I command you to make me a vegemite sandwich." Delusions of grandeur perhaps?


  2. That's amazing about your son! Kids are amazing!

    The vegemite sandwich story made me laugh.


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