
Monday, November 30, 2009

for those who didn't read (and those who read) When I Don't Desire God

I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted after all those EQUIP book club posts! My copy of When I Don't Desire God is looking very dog-eared, not to mention thoroughly scribbled in.

What a month it's been! While I've been writing about prayer and the Bible and rest and walking in God's world, these are exactly the things I haven't had much time for! It's a relief to get back to my normal routine. You can probably expect a quiet week on this blog.

In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about joy, or keeping the cross central, or engaging with the Bible, or prayer, or enjoying God's world, or depression, you don't need to read When I Don't Desire God: many of the posts stand alone. Here's some quick links for you to follow.

an overview

does God really want me to feel joyful?

when I don't desire God

why joy is both a gift and a fight

keeping the cross central

4 weapons for the fight for joy

1. preaching the gospel to ourselves

2. reading, reflecting on and remembering the Bible

3. prayer

4. enjoying God's world and keeping our bodies fit for joy


my story of joy

I hope you'll join me in the fight for joy!


  1. I have appreciated so much all of your hard work in posting this great review. I was especially encouraged by the many additional resources and comments you added. I can definitely understand why you must be exhausted by this great effort.

    Thank you so much for all you have written. I will be absorbing it for a long time to come, and hopefully implementing it into my life. God bless you as you continue to use the gifts He has given to communicate the Gospel.

  2. Yes, thank you. I have bookmarked a number of the posts to come back to when the days are a little quieter for further reading and reflection. It's been a huge effort. Enjoy your quieter week.


I'd love to hear from you. All I ask is that you be kind and loving in what you say.