
Friday, June 11, 2010

face painting the Cheshire Cat

It was dress-up day at the kid's school recently, and Lizzy wanted to go as the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. So I did some face painting inspired by this picture, using liquid face paints and a small brush. Here's how we did it, step by step, in case someone asks you to turn them into a cat!

Eyes (complete with white highlights) ...

mouth and nose ...

teeth ...

pink nose ...

fur ...

tabby stripes ...

whiskers ...

and a homemade costume (we stuffed the tail with newspaper).

Here she is at dress-up day. Beautiful - and a little freaky - just like the Cheshire Cat!


  1. Wow, what a big job, you pulled it off really well!

    I've been reading your blog for a while and I really enjoy it. I love reading other Christian Mum's blogs, makes me feel less alone in the Christian blogging world! I have started a new weekly post called Friday Focus. Basically I write on Fridays a brief post about something the Lord has been teaching me that week. I've made it a blog hop with the linky tool and am inviting other Christian bloggers to join in if they want to. I have a banner on the post which you are free to use if you wanted to. Of course ignore this if you want, just thought I'd let you know. : )

  2. Very good indeed! But the original picture...AIEEEAAARRRRGH!! Nightmares for weeks.

  3. Not a great cat fan, hey Gordo? Or is it just that particular cat? It's the other characters in Alice in Wonderland that freak me out - no way I'm going to see that movie!!

  4. Wow, she looks fantastic.
    Great job :)

  5. Oh wow! What a great paint really captured the freakiness that is the Cheshire Cat.


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