
Friday, October 29, 2010

prayers for personality types

Have you ever done a Myers Briggs personality test? In the very first post I wrote for this blog, I shared the profoundly important discovery that I'm an INFJ.

Apart from the opportunity to make some very lovely INFJ friends, and the occasional fleeting meditation on how I like my interior and exterior worlds to match, this knowledge hasn't meant a huge amount to me.

But I laughed when my INFJ friend Sandra sent me a link to these Myers Briggs prayers.

Here's my prayer:

"Lord, help me to not be a perfectionist.
(Did I spell that correctly?)"

Here's the prayer for my husband, who's an INTJ:

"Lord, keep me open to other’s ideas,
WRONG though they may be."

If you know either of us, you're chuckling right now!

image is from Las Valley 702 at flickr


  1. Jean, I can't open the link to the prayers. Is that just because I'm a hopeless Luddite who doesn't use facebook?

  2. No, Deb, I think it's me that's the Luddite. I'll change the link.

    Which one are you, BTW?

  3. I did the test twice. I got two different results. Confirms what I've thought for a long time: I'm obviously very confused!

  4. :) So what were your 2 prayers?

  5. I'm a poor confused being.... whenever I take personality tests!!! I'm sure they have their place in society... maybe I need to pray for that... :)

  6. I had, "God, help me to do only what I can and trust you for the rest. Do you mind putting that in Writing?" And "Lord, help me slow downandnotrushthroughwhatIdoAmen."

    So I obviously have trust and impatience issues. I just might be a control-freak. And anyone who knows me is chuckling right about now...

    I think the first one, ENFJ, might be the slightly more accurate one. Questions can be hard to interpret can't they?

  7. According to this I'm an ISFJ.

    "Lord, help me to be more laid back and help me to do it EXACTLY right."


  8. I got the same as you, Jean.

  9. Haha, Jean -- I've never done this before, but I just did it, and I guess I, too, am an INFJ :).

  10. My dear Valori, why does that not surprise me?! :)

    Welcome to the fold, Sarah!

    Narelle, LOL indeed.

    Not sure what the place of personality tests is in society, ~, but they are fun!

  11. I love researching the different personality types. Having a deeper understanding of people has definately helped me love them more :)

  12. Hi Jean, I'm an INFJ too!

  13. A lot of introverts hang out here!

  14. Yeah, I noticed that. My guess is it's a bloggy thing (and maybe they can relate to me in particular). You'll have to run the same test on your blog and we'll compare!


I'd love to hear from you. All I ask is that you be kind and loving in what you say.