
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the next 7 weeks or so...

Hi, everyone! Just letting you know that Steve and I have just embarked on 7 weeks of long-service leave as a family, and, as I anticipated earlier this year, I won't be blogging during this time.

This is a wonderful opportunity for us, as Steve has been working hard in full-time ministry for 12 years now - and I've been working hard alongside him, as I support his ministry and help raise 4 kids. The last few months, as you might have guessed from some things I've said, have been very busy for me, as I've worked during Steve's weeks off. So this will be a chance to spend restful time together.

Then it's back to everyday life, blogging (yes, I will go on with those series - I'm enjoying them too much to stop!), a Sunday School series on Hebrews, and some writing adventures that you'll share in, God willing. I'll tell you about them when the time comes.

So you know when I start blogging again, you might like to subscribe to in all honesty, either by email or online (or you can contact me and I'll let you know when I'm back). Not to increase my reading numbers :) - really, that doesn't matter - but because you'll get my next post in your inbox in a couple of months, and we can keep going where we left off.

God bless. I'll leave you with a verse that God used to encourage me recently:

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:16)

image is by zen from flickr


  1. Not that you will be reading this anytime soon, but I hope you guys have a really wonderful rest. Thanks for 12 years of faithful service without a break. We have all benefited so much from you and Steve's hard work, teaching and example. Love B

  2. Hi Jean

    Hope you, Steve and all your family really enjoy your long service leave and are refreshed and blessed by God through it.

    Looking forward to reading your excellent blog posts again on your return.



I'd love to hear from you. All I ask is that you be kind and loving in what you say.