
Saturday, April 28, 2012

online meanderings catch-up 2

I'm still catching up on my internet reading. Here are my favourite posts from the last few weeks.

Of sounds and silence - "Christians, do you ever wonder at how often those Jesus helped ignored a command to keep silent about it?" Post of the week! Jeremy Walker HT Sandy.

Living the Aussie dream at church - "To those of you who go to a great church I want to say… maybe it’s time that you left." Another excellent post from one of the best new blogs around. Tim Grant.

Hypocritical leadership - Tempted to trust ministry success not the gospel? "The ministry will make you a far better or a far worse Christian than you would have been otherwise." Tim Keller.

Leadership and entitlement - If you're a leader, do you have a sense of entitlement - or a servant heart? Thomas Rainer HT Vitamin Z.

The brambles and the mud - Discovering new veins of sin. Challies at his best.

Jesus our Navy SEAL - Why Hebrews is 11 is ultimately about Jesus, not the heroes of the faith. "If our eyes should stop on anyone who came before Jesus we have missed the whole point" (Hebrews 11). Sinclair Ferguson. 

One little degree of glory to the next - When change in ourselves and others seems to happen with the speed of a crock-pot. Kerri Seavey.

Like water to a plant - "Husbands, if your wife is a stay-at-home mum or socially isolated, you may be the only source of encouragement she receives on a continual basis." Christine Hoover

Good writing demands - Sacrifice. Focus. Vulnerability. Tension. Skill. A great series of posts. Sandra HT Lisa Writes.

Treasuring God with one finger in the cookie dough - Preaching the gospel to yourself and your kids in the midst of mothering. Gloria Furman.

The everyday question of motherhood - Will I sacrifice? Am I willing to spend and be spent? Christine Hoover.

A wise mum remembers grace - "If you find yourself feeling like a no good, very bad Christian mother, it is good to remind yourself of the depth of God’s deep deep love for you." Sarah HT Nicole.

Reading what and when - How to make time to read. Wendy.

Five reasons to listen to books rather than read them - "Thoroughly good novels at once lift you above the mundane and firmly ground you in it...To experience this while sweeping a floor is special indeed." Cath.

Kitchen table counselling - The cost of helping people with messy sins. "To come alongside someone and to wade into the filth of their sinful choices with the goal of restoration ...will require broad shoulders and a strong back. Counseling is just that hard." Mark Kelly.

Is there an office for pastor's wives? - "Minister's wife" is not a job-description. It "doesn't add any new knobs to the stereo, it just turns up the volume." Jonathon Leeman.

3 ways to crush your inner control freak - Really helpful stuff. Note to controlling self: Print. Meditate. Nathan Bingham.

Don't tweet that sermon - Why not to tweet during sermons. Challies.

Missing missing - Grieving for a wife. "Somehow the more time passes, the farther she is gone, not because I am forgetting her, but because I am remembering her. The great heartbreak is that she is now becoming my past, rather than my ever present." RC Sproul Jr HT Challies.

Militant virtue - She's right: we often define feminine virtues in negative terms (though I'm not sure her positive take is all that positive). Lizzie Jank.

Top ten give-away - Make sure you send Meredith your top five/ten books that you think all Christians should read by May 1. You might even win a free book!

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