
Friday, April 20, 2012

online meanderings catch-up

Phew! My computer's working again, and I've been catching up on my blog reading, but not so much as before. Sorry, folk, but there's no way I'm reading all 250 blog posts in my reader! In fact, after those unpressured days without a computer, I've decided to sit a little more lightly to blog reading altogether.

That said, I'm still enjoying browsing my favourite blogs. And here are some of my favourites from the last few weeks.

One to one Bible reading - I struggle to know how to read the Bible with people. I found these simple directions very helpful. Meredith.

Devastating grace how sweet the sound - Because grace is amazing it must also be devastating. Justin Buzzard HT Sandy.

Eight principles for dating - Print, read, reflect, pray. And if you struggle with these, seek a godly mentor. Jen Smidt HT Ali.

Your children want you - A must read for mums and possibly-some-time-in-the-future mums. April Perry.

Better than small groups - The author of Growth Groups talks about why it might be better to start a discipleship team than a small group. Great stuff! Col Marshall.

When Facebook is another gospel - "I recreate my image...I recreate my world...I...find approval...This is salvation language. This is gospel language. Facebook – used in this way – is another gospel." Tim Chester.

The littleness of motherhood - The littleness of motherhood. Little decisions, little service, little sins. Not so little after all. Lizzie Jank.

The recipe for a successful pastor - How to choose a pastor: look at his heart. Paul Tripp HT Sandy Grant

The glory of Christ our bottom line as counsellors - Counselling the worst of sexual sinners with the grace of Christ. Jeremy Lelek.

How to read Packer's Knowing God - One of my favourite books of all time, and I never got to the end! Now I know why. Read this, then read the book. Meredith.

Feminine Threads - The story of Christian women throughout history. A fair and balanced review of a book that's sitting on my shelf begging to be read. Wendy.

Pray for me. Listen better. Stay off the porn. - Listening to celebrity preachers - and listening to your own pastor. Tom Cannon.

Among the apostles - Why Junia, "of note among the apostles" (Acts 16:7), is not just a piece in someone's argument, but an inspiration to value the ministries of women. Yay! Lionel Windsor.

After the NIV then what? The NIV. - I've found the NIV accurate at times when the ESV isn't, and far more readable, so I'm with Sandy on this one.

If you'd like to see more links, check out

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