
Saturday, July 21, 2012

online meanderings: good fear, beautiful lives, trusting God with your children, and more

Hi people! Sorry I haven't written much for a while - well, nothing actually. We've been away, first for a university conference and then for a family holiday, plus a week of school holidays, plus a week of catching up on a couple of articles that needed to go out soon... Still, here I am, and I have at least been catching up on my online meanderings. Here they are. 

Quote of the week
"Why do I worry? Really, why do I worry? Why do I again and again resort to ‘trying harder’ or thinking that enough planning and enough busyness will alter the outcome of events?...Reliance characterizes me. Provision characterizes my God." - Reliance Elisha Galotti HT Challies.

Top 6 posts
When it's good to be fearful - When fear is good, and when it's bad. How to fear well. Such a helpful post from Paul Tripp! (And not just for pastors, either.)

In Christ I'm not a sinner - The older I get, the more I realise holiness is just about remembering the gospel. So easy to say, so very hard to do! This post is about living who you are in Jesus. Dane Ortland HT Challies.

Lifestyle coveting - Lifestyle blogs, magazines, advertisements, TV shows, beautiful houses, beautiful lives... What effect do they have on us? What can we do about it? Cathy.

Breaking hearts - Trusting God with the lives of your children: something I've been struggling to do. This is a wonderful post. RC Sproul Jr HT Sam Freney.

Power in weakness - God's power: not freedom from weakness, but strength to endure and obey. I want the first; he gives the second. Ed Welch.

8 bullet points on marriage - Straight from the Bible, these 8 points put marriage in its proper perspective. They would make a great foundation for a seminar! Challies.

And 10 more
The secret life of the cross-cultural missionary - "There are no “celebrity” cross-cultural missionaries." A call to sacrifice. Adam Gabriel Cavalier HT Challies.

Helpless sacks of sand - Insomnia and sleep. An encouraging post by a sleepless Challies with help from Piper.

Real refreshment comes form seeing glory not getting stuff done - I think he's right: when I've overwhelmed by anxiety about getting stuff done, it's time to stop doing and look to Jesus. Jon Bloom.

A broken past and the miracle of sanctification - How to use the Bible with those who find its words hard to hear because of past victimization. Ed Welch.
It's out with the old as Christian values fall away - What happens to the elderly and the helpless when we lose Christian values? John Dickson HT Emma Pfahlert.

The beginning of idolatry - Who do you look for first in your high school photos? Ouch! Don Carson HT Sandy.

If you came home from church discouraged - Encouraging - and challenging. Cathy.

More on living single - A great little post on singleness. Ali.

How many hours can I work? - An interesting post about work, fatherhood, the fall and Christian freedom. Challies.

Hope for those those who fear pregnancy - A series for those who fear miscarriage after pregnancy. I haven't read all of this, but it comes recommended by Lisa Spence, and may be helpful for you or others you know.

On writing and reading
JI Packer's advice to aspiring writers - "There is a certain art and craft in writing in such a way that it gets to the reader's heart." Great advice in a 9-minute clip.

So you want to be a writer? -"Figure out the parts readers will skip over; then cut them out." This and more on becoming and being a writer. Randy Alcorn HT Challies.

Self doubt and writing - "Your job is to get out of the way and let the story through." Sallly Lloyd-Jones HT Lisa

First book syndrome - How (not) to write your first book. Andrew Le Peau.

The death of reading: not so fast - Is reading dead? Personality types and reading. Kip Parent HT Ali.

Books and resources
Gospel-centred curriculum - Pastors and Sunday school teachers take note: here are 4 gospel-centred curriculums that cover the whole Bible and show how it's all about Jesus. Riches indeed. Reviewed by Challies.

The trials of theology - A book for the theological student in your life. Helpfully reviewed by Wendy.

A shelter in the time of storm - I'm loving Ali's quotes from Paul Tripp's book meditations. So much that I ordered this book!

No ordinary marriage - This sounds like a good book on marriage by Tim Savage. Mike Leake HT Challies.

Just for fun
What multitasking does to our brains - What multitasking does to our brains. Leo Widrich HT Challies.

If you just can't get enough links, or want to see my links as I read them, check out

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