It is necessary for me to live with a passage, to carry it around with me, and to marinate my soul with its nourishing and thirst-quenching waters. I simply can't do this in a couple hours. I need meditative time with the passage so the Spirit can work through it in me and through me to the people under my care. - Paul Tripp
Can you see that this death of self is not, in the final analysis, something you can do? For the point is that God has once and for all reserved for himself the business of your salvation...Can you see that really the last, bitter death is there? That in that cross God has stormed the last bastion of the self, the last presumption that you really were going to do something for him?...Then perhaps you can turn away from yourself, maybe really for the first time, and look upon your neighbours...And who knows what might happen in the power of this grace? All possibilities are open...The way is open to begin, at least, perhaps in faltering ways, in countless little ways, to realize what it means to die to self.
- Gerharde Forde
When everyone on Facebook seems to have a more exciting life than me, my Saviour says, "What is that to you? You follow me!" - Carolyn Mahaney
Top 5 posts
The bachelor pastor - Wise words on singleness and sexual purity from a 44 year old soon-to-be-married man who's been fighting the fight for 28 years. Steve DeWitt
Let's revise the popular phrase "in, but not of" - "For Jesus being “not of the world” isn’t the destination but the starting place. It’s not where things are moving toward, but what they’re moving from." David Mathis.
The problem with wanting to do everything well - "I want to look at the one who truly did all things well and strive to spread the fame of his name not mine." Deb.
Are you a PAHM? - How do you weave prayer into your day? For Pray At Home Mums and others. Daphne Tarango
Try it again - I'm adding this to my parenting tools. Thanks, Susie.
Best new blog
This fleeting moment - Introducing you to a great new(ish) blog by my friend Deb. I like these posts:
A big ball of anger with my name on it
Explaining the birds and the bees to children
Useful daily routines
Memory verses set to music for kids
And some more posts I liked.
Success and the single woman - On work, womanhood, success and singleness, by the ever-interesting Carolyn McCulley.
June Cleaver, Clair Huxtable or the valiant woman - How the details of femininity will look different for each of us. Trillia Newbell.
Why most pastors won't tell you everything - This confirms what I've learned about what happens when you share too much about your struggles in public. Adam McHugh.
"Mutual submission"? Scrutinizing a lazy slogan and Take care when using the word "submission" - There are some interesting posts going up at The Briefing on marriage and submission, including these ones by Lionel Windsor.
How to make the elderly feel at home in your church - Good practical suggestions. Brian Croft.
How to confess the sin of pornography to your wife (and how not to) part 1 and part 2 - Having counselled couples with this problem, I see the value of these suggestions.
Jeremy Pierre.
Busyness as moral laziness - "I would rather expend energy on some task I can handle than engage in the harder work of cultivating relationships or putting up with someone who is needy or squandering time on something that has no foreseeable payoff." Chaplain Mike.
How to help a cancer sufferer - Last week, Dave talked about what not to say to a cancer sufferer; this week, he talks about what to say and do. Helpful.
The how of hospitality - Some useful suggestions here. RVD.
Do you mean "I can't?" or "I won't?" - How our faithful God helps us when we just can't. Jani Ortlund.
Worshipping at the altar of family - When family doesn't look the way you expected it too. Kristin and Ted Kluck.
8 tips for telling a great story - Useful for preachers, writers, and communicators of all kinds.
David Slagle.
For fun
Roasting vegetables - YUM! Gotta get me some.Susie.
If you just can't get enough links, or want to see my links as I read them, check out
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