
Saturday, October 27, 2012

a rather girly online meanderings (that's not just for girls)

There's something a little chronological about this one. A post for every life stage.

How to fight for your girl's worth when it comes to guys and dating - I printed this out and gave it to my daughter. I'm loving this series. Melissa.

Jenny's (not at all dodgy) advice column: When to get married. - I think this is wonderful advice.

Is my wife's job harder than mine? - A helpful reminder that the value of my work doesn't come from the fact that I work harder than my husband. I don't. The value of my work comes from God. Challies

How motherhood transforms you - Girls, this is worth reading so you know what having kids is like. Nicole, you brought tears to my eyes.

Turn your empty nest into an open nest - What a wonderful vision for the years after kids leave home! Jani Ortlund.

Book review: When your husband is addicted to pornography - An excellent review by Wendy.

Book chat: The Seven Stages of Motherhood - Susie talks about an interesting sounding book.

Book excerpt: Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: Life After Shock by Joni Eareckson.
My wife's life is not one of ease, but one never-ending responsibility. Her life is difficult enough that she has to battle to find joy and meaning in the middle of all of it....Value comes...when she is able to see that what she does is a calling from God, that it is a task that she does before the Lord, for the Lord, and to the Lord. Its value is not in its difficulty, or relative difficulty, but in doing it with joy and doing it for the glory of God. Challies

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