
Friday, November 9, 2012

online meanderings

How to write a good sympathy card - So very helpful! Paul Tautges.

The 4 Cs of biblical friendship - Constancy, Carefulness, Candour, Counsel. Johathon Holmes.

Why small groups in churches need to be stopped...not quite literally. This is helpful. Macca.

5 questions husbands should ask their wives and 5 questions wives should not ask their husbands (and 5 questions they should). Made me giggle, anyway.

Don' be a Hezekiah - Train up the next generation of gospel workers. Here's why - and how. Mike Bullmore.

What would I do if I was falsely accused of sexual immorality? - Thoughtful, helpful advice (with a small question mark over necessarily assuming no. 2). David Murray.

Book review: The heart of the matter - CCEF brings out a series of devotions, and Wendy reads and recommends it. Love these guys, and this sounds great!
Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to, and delights in, God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition. Jeremy Burroughs
We go to Bible college not to study the Word, but to begin to learn to have the Word study us. We go to pursue not advanced degrees but the fruit of the Spirit. We go to lose our reputations, not to gain them. We go not to be thought wise, but to learn what fools we are. RC Sproul Jr

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