
Friday, February 22, 2013

thoughts on suffering

Some very helpful (and brief!) thoughts on suffering from The Proclamation Trust.
  1. God is infinitely sovereign and kind, even in the midst of difficulty when it doesn't seem like it. 
  2. God is the only One who is control of my life and to desire control is, in effect, to desire to be God. 
  3. To be conformed to Christ who was bruised, necessitates being bruised ourselves. 
  4. It is a good thing to consider [one's own] death. 
  5. It is good not to cross bridges until you have to cross them. 
  6. Physical illness is part of a much bigger spiritual battle. 
  7. God is more interested in building character than giving us explanations. 
  8. The local church is a wonderful instrument in the Redeemer's hands. 
  9. Above all else, guard your heart. 
  10. The weight of glory far outweighs any number of momentary afflictions.
Might cut these out and stick them over my sink.

(These are from late last year - I'm still catching up on my blog reading - but no worse for that.)

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