
Thursday, March 21, 2013

online meanderings

10 big daily reminders - "I wake up lost every morning..." Another glorious list to print out and stick up somewhere you'll see it often (along with 9 reasons you can face anything, which I quoted here).

Dear sufferer, do not harden your heart - Searching questions I'm asking myself, and helpful questions to ask those who suffer (though I'm not sure I'd ask the first one!).

How to mentor a growth group leader - A fantastic resource from Macca. I'm printing this out. There's lots more to read in this ongoing series, Resources for growth group leaders

Making the most of singleness and Sanctification in the season of singleness - Two of the best posts I've read on singleness, one on how it can be a "gift" even if you don't think you have the gift, and the other on tackling issues of identity, self-centredness and secrecy.

Helping children deal with death - and why you should buy guinea pigs. Not sure I'll be doing that bit...

Jesus said we have to die to ourselves to follow him (Mark 8:34-37). Sometimes it’s dramatic. Sometimes it comes at great cost, and sometimes people are encouraged. Most of the time, though, we die to ourselves quite privately. So privately, in fact, that even those closest to us don’t know. We die to ourselves by keeping our mouths shut, forgiving others when they slight us, and moving on. Staci Eastin

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