Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 25 minutes running.
Week eight
Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 28 minutes of running.
Week nine
Begin with a brisk 5-minute walk, then 30 minutes of running.
Well, it seems that I like jogging, but it doesn't like me. I'm still hovering around week 6, wondering if my knees are ready to take the next step - the 25 minute run. More and more, I wonder if I'll have to stop and get my exercise in some other form.
In the meantime, my friend Jane has long since finished Couch to 5K. I asked her what the last few weeks were like. Here's what she said:
Jane - These were the weeks that got easier for me. With just one jump up to running 25 mins, this was when I felt I'd 'become' a competent runner. The other increases were small and I didn't really notice them.
Around this time I made myself a cool down playlist of my favourite congregational / God focused songs to help me begin the day in prayer and worship God aright in my heart before heading inside to help with the breakfast routine.
I've been reading Amy Grant's memoirs and she talks about how every day before breakfast she goes outside to look at the day and she says out loud "This is the day The Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". I've adopted her idea and adapted it to help align my heart with God's at the end of my morning run.
I also pray for whatever I know we have on that day - all while cooling down and listening to beautiful recordings of such songs as Come Thou Fount and I Can Only Imagine. This is now my favourite thing about running!Go Jane!
Thanks for posting Jane's cool down routine. I think I'll try it.