
Saturday, September 7, 2013

family catch-up (and a few photos)

Okay, so it took me a while to upload some of these photos, which means they're a little out of date. But no worse for that. 
Steve recently had one of those days. The kind of ministry day when you're doing the kind of ministry you really don't like doing. But mostly he loves his job. Our MOLDI (Meaning Of Life Discussed Intelligently) Dinners went well this term: lots of students brought friends along, and there were good discussions. Pray the conversations would continue. (And no, that's not Steve in the picture, but Andy does look a lot like him!)

I have had a much better term than last. Less doctors' visits, lower anxiety levels, and lots of happy hours jogging and swimming and walking and reading. I have to prioritise these things to overcome high stress and anxiety levels, which is a privilege more than a hardship. I also enjoy meeting with a few girls; so this term draws to an end with me very thankful to God.

Lizzy is ... well, it's hard to express the joy I get from having a teenage girl in the house. And they say the teen years are dreadful! Don't believe them. There are challenges, as with all ages; but this is a lovely age. It's great having the opportunity to develop a more "adult" relationship with your children. (The photos are of a "shop" she helped prepare for her little brother Andy.)

Ben is slowly, surely getting a little better. I thought he would run out of energy towards the end of term; but he actually has more cheerfulness and "bounce". It seems that an earlier bedtime (much to his disgust) and our every-day-at-school policy are starting to help him heal. He's missed a lot of Home Economics, so we do that at home.

Thomas just did his first piano exam (preliminary) and very well he did too. My mum recently knitted jumpers for all our kids; Thomas chose this beauty all by himself. That's big-and-little-brother on footy day on the right (you don't get to live in our house and not barrack for Carlton).
Andy is 7 years old, so I'm officially out of the "early childhood" phase. It's a strange feeling, but a good one, saying goodbye to one season of life and welcoming the next one. Here he is doing a science experiment for school and playing in the ocean in his $10.00 Savers wetsuit (we call him "Burgundy Man").

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