
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

online meanderings

How grief became my friend - The other day I was grieving all the things Ben misses out on. Then I read this.

Let us adore him - In which a bunch of pagan magicians (so much for the wise men!) bow down and worship.

7 messages in the meals - Now it's your turn, to give or to receive.

You can be hospitable even with little - "Your guests might not remember your space, but they will surely remember your care."

How often do you really show up at church? and 8 ways to stop going to church

7 ways social media makes pastoring more difficult

How to talk about yourself in a godly way -
If someone after talking with me is more interested and excited in being with me than with Jesus, then I am no longer functioning as an ambassador of Christ, but of myself. On the other hand, if in sharing myself, someone is more drawn to want to be with Jesus, then I’ve shared well. Bill Smith

The grace of God will visit you in uncomfortable forms. Difficulty in your life is not a sign that God's hand is too short, nor is it a sign that his ears are too dull. Rather, it's a sign of his love. God will wrap his arms around you and bring you through difficulty to make you more like him. Uncomfortable grace is at work to free you from you. Ed Welch

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