Learning to be content and Greed and contentment
In the heat of the moment - When emotions get the better of you.
Please don't make my funeral all about me - Nancy Guthrie.
The power of a story - Honest reflections on same-sex attraction.
11 things never to say to parents of a child with autism - and 11 things to say.
marriage and divorce:
When marriage is hard - "Very few married couples get very far into their marriage before reality sets in and these vows demand something from them ..."
Supporting friends through divorce
for parents:
Why motherhood is only for the faint of heart - How burnout becomes blessing.
What to do when your kids are looking at porn and How to protect them - Some of the best resources I've seen on this.
Renewal is not the result of introspection but theospection. In theospection, we gaze at God – and as a result are changed, renewed, refreshed. Kyle Johnston
Rather than trying to figure out why I don’t read my Bible more, why don’t I just pick it up and read it right now? - Nancy Ann
The curtain is torn in two.
The cross and the tomb are empty.
The cup of wrath is drained.
The victory is won.
The serpent is crushed.
The new creation is dawning.
The throne is occupied.
It is finished (τετέλεσται).
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Justin Taylor
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Great share, thanks for writing this