
Friday, May 2, 2014

online meanderings

The color of happiness - Green and blue, of course. Time to go for a walk in this glorious Autumn weather.

Hospitality is more than tea and scones

But what about gluttony? - Finally: something decent written on gluttony

Discontent - Are you feeding yourself eye candy?

The blog vs. real life -  Why you might need to read less and get to know people more.

for parents:
10 ways Christian parents can achieve more by doing less - A 'de-cluttering' guide to raising Christian children by Jenny Kemp.

Prodigal pastors' kids: fact or fiction? - An interesting US study which surveyed pastors on their (grown) children's faith. Includes parenting successes and regrets.

Dear discouraged cook - An idea for getting kids to try new food. We use this one.
Be content to be nothing, for that is what you are. When your own emptiness is painfully forced upon your consciousness, chide yourself that you ever dreamed of being full, except in the Lord. Charles Spurgeon

One of the greatest fallacies of our faith, and actually one of the greatest acts of unbelief, is the thought that our spiritual acts and virtues need to be advertised to be known. ... We should allow God to decide when our deeds will be known and when our light will be noticed. Dallas Willard

Spare a thought for the people who do not have the Lord as their shepherd. Spare a moment for them and pity them. What is it that they can say? And what is the truth of their position? Can you hear their cry?. ''The Lord is not my shepherd. I am in terrible want. No one comes to my aid. I know nothing of green pastures or still waters. It is 'every man for himself' in the world I live in. I flounder around in life desperately trying to make sense of it. When I face death, terrible fear grips hold of me, and in the presence of my enemies this fear intensifies. Goodness and loving kindness are total strangers to me. I have no hope at all when I look to life after death. Pity the person who is shepherdless! We should have compassion on the multitude around us who are lost. John Chapman

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