
Friday, October 30, 2009

my role models of Christian womanhood

This is an extract from my interview for EQUIP book club today. I thought you'd enjoy this bit!

Who have been your role models of Christian womanhood?

- my Mum, who loves Jesus and who has a very different personality to me, bless her, and thus, by God's grace, taught me to balance my weaknesses (perfectionism, pessimism) with her strengths (a willingness to make mistakes and a great ability to laugh at herself)

- my dear friends Jenny and Emma, who never stop encouraging me to live for Jesus

- godly older women whose example has encouraged me to be a Titus 2 woman to younger women - Deb, Rosie and Heather are some names which spring to mind (you know who you are!)

- women I know who struggle with depression, severe anxiety or ongoing grief and keep loving God and serving others through their pain

- women who write and teach about biblical womanhood like Sharon James, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Carolyn Mahaney

You can read the rest of the interview - which is mainly about books I've read and enjoyed this year - at EQUIP book club today.

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