
Monday, September 12, 2011

5 books that changed who I am (2) young adulthood

You might remember that before I went away, I started blogging through this meme, from the lovely Nic, about the books which changed who I am. It was supposed to be one post; since I'm a rambler, I turned it into several. Here's the second.

2. early adulthood - learning to think with God
During my late teens and early 20s my theological foundations were firmed up: what I believe about Jesus, the Bible, God's sovereignty, womanhood, and all kinds of other things. This happened through Bible reading and conversations and prayer - and, yes, books, so it's hard to pick one that changed me most!

I'll go with JI Packer's Knowing God. I must have read the first few chapters a dozen times (and never quite made it to the end of the book!). Packer taught me that knowing God is more than knowing about God, showed me how to meditate on God's truth until it shapes my mind and feelings, and helped me get to know our great God.

Runners up: John Stott The Cross of Christ, Don Carson How Long O Lord, Graham Goldsworthy Gospel and Kingdom, JC Ryle Holiness, and John Piper and Wayne Grudem Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

What about you? Which books have shaped the way you think? Tell us here.


  1. Very similar to you. I read Knowing God at 19 yrs and have reread it twice.(I'm 50).Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood shaped us when we were first married before kids.Then in my late 30's I was awed by Discipline Of Grace-Jerry Bridges,and now I am discovering my first love of God through Piper's(you guessed it)Desiring God.Thanks- Anne Thompson

  2. How about that?! Lots of similarities! I'm awed by that book by Bridges too, which I read a year or so ago.


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