Hospitality vs. entertaining - "True hospitality is sacrificial, uncomfortable, and does not seek to impress others. Secular entertaining is a terrible bondage." Great reading.
Sermon illustrations are unnecessary - Sounds like my husband's preaching. Love it! (The post, and his preaching.)
For girls, on your secret sexual sin and Handling the guilt - Tim and Aileen Chester write about masturbation.
Homeschool blindspots - A (very good) homeschooling mother recommended this one. It made me sad. I'm sure you could write one for public and Christian schoolers too ...
Dealing with menopause - "I've clung to Him like never before through this crazy, mixed-up, hormones-out-of-whack season."
9 ways to become a more boring writer (funny and original) and How to write less badly (intriguing, especially the opening paragraphs)
If the word of the Wall Street Journal or World Magazine or Wired Magazine or David Brooks or David Letterman or David McCullough, or John Mayer or John Steinbeck or John Paul II or John Calvin or Richard Dawkins or Richard Branson or Richard Baxter or Bono or Bach or blogs (even this one) dwells in you more richly than the word of Christ, you’re poor.
You don’t need to be in the know.
You don’t need to be admired among the literati. You don’t need to be well traveled or well read. You don’t need to know how many Twitter followers Taylor Swift has. You don’t need to be politically articulate, or up on the mommy blogs or the young, restless and reformed buzz. You don’t need to see the movie. You don’t need to read the novel. You don’t need to look hip. Jon Bloom
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