Friday, April 15, 2011

Easter catch-up

I'm relieved to see that Meredith is also behind on her family Bible Easter readings! I, too, have put Meredith's readings in some plastic eggs (along with some lollies) and we're reading the Easter story together in the evenings. It's the first time we've attempted this. I've doubled- and tripled-up the readings to fit them into 12 eggs, which isn't ideal, but it's been very encouraging nonetheless.

I'm also behind on my personal Easter Bible readings (like Nicole and Meredith, I'm reading through Nancie Guthrie's Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross) and again, I'm reading a couple a day. I've been deeply encouraged by reading through the Easter story with the kids in the evening, then opening this book in the morning and meditating on the wonder of Jesus' death.

This morning I was reminded that he - the perfect, innocent Son of God - became sin for me: all my rebellion, all my idolatry, all my lovelessness. And that he faced hell, the burning horror of his Father's anger, instead of me. I'm filled with wondering thankfulness today.

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