Saturday, October 13, 2012

online meanderings

The priceless gift of corrective lenses - "'Jesus died for me. What a treasure I must be!'...This idea isn’t in the Bible. Jesus didn’t die to purchase treasures. He died to ransom enemies. We’re not the Pearl of Great Price; Jesus is." Jon Bloom.

Helping kids to read the Bible for themselves - Some great resources and ideas from Nicole.

What I'm learning from my children's mess - "Here is what a girls' shelving unit looks like on Pinterest. Here is the reality of what my girls' room looks like most of the time." I really enjoyed this! Cath.

For married men: 3 ways to nourish and cherish your wife - As my friend Gordo would say, "Good secular advice" - and no worse for that! CJ Mahaney.

A positive book review: Remember the things that matter when hope is hard to find - Second very positive review of this book from someone I respect. The first was by Nicole.

A negative book review: A year of biblical womanhood - Sobering reading. Trillia Newbell.
Old age strips away the screens of decency that we put up for other people...What is left is what we really have: the twisted rottenness of sin, or the strength and beauty of holiness. RVD

To see the rest of my links, click here (Facebook) or here.

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