Friday, October 5, 2012

online meanderings

Four lies that keep us from Jesus: this sin isn't serious enough to take to him; this sin is so bad I can't face him; I'm not sorry enough; I'm not clean enough. I'm writing this list across the inside of my forehead, to use next time I need assurance, or want to teach others about it. Joe Thorn.

Practising fear - A thoughtful post about what it looks like to fear God - and what it looks like not to fear God. This requires slow reflection and repentance. Print, read, reflect. David Mears.

The spreading goodness - The Father loves the Son; the Son loves the church; husbands love wives: that's what authority looks like. A great little post about the nature of headship by Michael Reeves. (And for more on what headship looks like, see Phillip Jensen's Love and subjugation, from his useful recent series.)

Peace is changing sides in the battle - What Christian peace really means: not tranquillity, but... Helpful in understanding Philippians 4:6-7. Tim Chester.

Recommended biographies of Christian women - I love Justin Taylor's lists! Even when it's biographies of Christian women, which I don't usually love, but I'd love to read some of these.
Allah may have his day, while Christians continue to meekly proclaim a nonsensical trinitarian God, a dishonoured, crucified savior, while we love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. All of this is utter foolishness to them, but there is a hidden wisdom to it through which the Spirit of God might quietly work. Nathan Lovell

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