Especially in Sunday School, where we tell comforting stories about how Jesus welcomed the little children, but avoid concepts like judgement and atonement because they seem too confronting or difficult (and a bit scary if the parents find out what we've been telling their kids!).
But I've never forgotten the day my Sunday School teacher took out a little book with coloured pages and explained the way of salvation, complete with creation, sin, atonement, justification and heaven, in terms we could understand.

I had a quick look at the sample lessons and was impressed to find that the study on the flood aims to teach preschoolers, amongst other things, that God knows everything, that people are sinners and can't save themselves, that God is holy and can't tolerate sin, and that God is merciful.
And the material isn't boring, even though (horrors!) it excludes craft as expensive and time-consuming. It uses vivid acted illustrations - substitution is taught to school children using a mess on the floor and a wooden spoon - to provide "an important bridge from what children see and understand (concrete thinking) to what they can't see and find hard to understand (abstract thinking)."
There is some other excellent Sunday School material out there, which takes no short-cuts in teaching children theology.

Convinced of the need for Sunday School material teaching theological concepts, I've also written some of my own.
In 2005 I wrote and led a 9-week Sunday School series on Romans 1-8 for primary school aged children. We discussed Christianity with an incredulous puppet, added a new line to our "Good News Rap" each week, and used lots of visual illustrations, to communicate difficult concepts like sin, hell, justification, faith, and atonement. It was fun! Every child took home a laminated book of coloured pages which they had illustrated themselves week-by-week, showing the stages of sin and redemption.At the moment I'm working on a 10-week series on the Fruit of the Spirit for our little Sunday school (10 kids, ages 5-10, Aussie and ESL). I've decided to explain each virtue - love, joy, peace, patience - using the story of one of God's people, since that's what the Bible often does to illustrate a concept like faith (Romans 4, Hebrews 11). We'll talk about what each virtue means in the Bible, and apply it to the everyday experience of children.
I'll tell you how it goes.
Expect more on the topic of Sunday School over the next couple of days. Tomorrow I'm planning a post on the usefulness - or otherwise - of craft in Sunday School, and on Sunday I'd like to tell you why I've been collecting bad fruit all week.
You can e-mail me if you'd like to see my material on Romans or the Fruit of the Spirit (you'll have to wait for the last one!).
FYI An interesting article on Children's Curriculum for Sunday School. Discovered this via
Thanks Bec! Very useful.
Hey Bec, There are a great series of Sunday School Teaching Tools located over at TMC Youth. There are lots of good videos, podcasts and posters that are perfect for teaching sunday school. Just thought I'd share, although I know this is an older post.
Hi Jean,
We are just contemplating writing our own material for a series on Romans for our ages 3-5 sunday school group as Romans is what the rest of church will be studying. I just stumbled accross your blog and i'd love to have a look at your material if thats ok. Could you please email me on
Hi Jean,
I've been enjoying reading on your blog the past couple of weeks! I wanted to let you know that Tony Kummer at welcomes guest posts and submissions, and is especially interested in SS and children's church lessons. I write a little for Tony's website; he is doing great things there at ministry to children, and has a wide and growing readership. Just thought I'd point you that direction if you're interested. Keep up the good writing. Blessings, Jeri Tanner
Your series on Romans for young children sounds good. Would you please email me a copy at
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